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'Healing Eve' Pilot for Women, a Success!

Updated: Nov 4, 2020

August 2020, witnessed the pilot launch of the 'Healing Eve' programme for women and girls. This 7-week programme had a profound impact on a small group of women who volunteered to be participants, in exchange for providing detailed feedback on the content, style and delivery of the course.

It was over 10 years ago, when I felt led to develop programmes for women and girls who had experienced various types of mental and emotional trauma throughout their lives. After diverting away from my calling, I have found myself right back where I originally started. I believe I was divinely led here, and I knew I was being given another chance to take the batton and begin the work. Much of the preparatory work has been done through our sister company, Eve Therapy Training & Counselling Services. They provide accredited counselling and mental health training for individuals, businesses and organisations but realise there is a huge section of the community which is not being sufficiently engaged with.

Whilst mental health problems affect both men and women, they are however, more common amongst women and girls. Mental Health Foundation sites 'abuse' as a significant factor in the deterioration of women's mental health. They state that women and girls are more likely to experience depression, anxiety, self harm, eating disorders, dementia and Post Traumatic Stress (PTSD). Various social factors put women and girls at greater risk of poor mental health than men.

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However, women's readiness to talk about their feelings and their strong social networks can help protect their mental health.

What's next?

Supporting the mental health and well-being of women and young girls is our business. In fact we also believe that it is the community's business. With a significant numbers of households now being led by women, it is imperative that we address the emotional and mental health needs of women and girls and seek to challenge the inconsistencies in funding and provision.That's why we at TEP aim to bring the 'Healing Eve' programme to communities through digital means and via local churches worldwide.

Mental health just doesn't just affect the poor (although it can significantly contribute to it), it is a illness that does not discriminate. Old and young, rich and poor all fall victim to mental unwellness. It is for this reason we are seeking to host a pilot programme for under 25's in January 2021. Find our more here.

We are determined that all our programmes will seek to encourage, support and inspire women and girls to be the best they can be and to 'Bloom Where They Have Been Planted'!

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