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Purpose + Passion = Peace!

Updated: Nov 4, 2020

Thinking about finding your purpose in life? Wondering what you’re passionate about, but don’t know where to start? The 'Healing Eve' programme may hold the answer.

At some point in our lives, we ask ourselves, what is my purpose and what am I passionate about? How can coaching help me to figure this out? Over the last 20 years the coaching industry has exploded. The ability to access a Counsellor for one’s emotional needs and a Coach for one’s aspirational needs, is something many of us do at various points in our lives. The desire to recognise our calling in life and walk with purpose, is just one of the areas that underpins the Christian walk.

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However, recognising your purpose is not exclusive to Christians. We are inundated with books such as ‘Be your own life coach’, ‘Recognise Your Purpose’ and such like. We all in our own way want to know we are of value, whether it be as a child, a sibling, a mother, a friend, a Christian or an employee.

I would not be able to count the number of women and girls who repeatedly tell me, that they are unsure of their calling and their purpose. They plant themselves in places where they have no business being planted and then wonder why they do not bear in fruit. It is for this reason, The Eve Project chose to offer the option of a coaching elements to it’s ‘Healing Eve’ Programme. Women and Girls over the age of 16 can choose to use this time to get a real sense of how their talents can be used in the worldwide community. Our lives were meant for purpose and it is important we recognise this as women and girls. Find out more about the Healing Eve programme here and how it can help women and girls transform their lives.

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